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South Beach is, I mean it’s probably one of the most amazing places I’ve ever been to. Speaking on why he wanted to bring his business endeavors to Miami Beach, Mr. Listen to the entire Cy Waits CYInterview: You can read the highlights and listen to the entire CYInterview below: Waits tells us his plans for his new nightclub and future plans for Miami among other topics. It has been reported in the near future, Cy and his fellow Las Vegas partner Cory McCormack are opening the anticipated new venue on South Beach in Club Adoré. The nightlife success has now led him to South Florida. The Las Vegas venues included the XS Nightclub at the Encore, the Tryst Nightclub at the Wynn and Drai’s inside Bill’s Gamblin’ Hall and Saloon along with his Los Angeles venue also named Drai’s. It was in 2009 that entrepreneur and nightlife mogul Cy Waits’s three Las Vegas venues and one Los Angeles venue grossed a reported $130 million.

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